Monday, 27 April 2015

Essay Reconstruction: The Effect of Internet on Newspapers

First read te model answer below:
The issue of whether or not the Internet is a threat to newspapers is a complicated one. Some people claim it offers a great opportunity while others believe that traditional newspapers are already irrelevant. It is my own belief that, rather than pose a risk, the Internet actually is changing newspapers for the better.
Critics of the effect of the Internet on newspapers point out that sales of newspapers have dropped dramatically on account of the Internet and newspapers are therefore no longer able to make money. In addition to this, many claim that the Internet has led to a decline in the quality of journalism as newspaper websites are updated several times a day and much of the content is written quickly and therefore carelessly.
On the other hand, the Internet has undoubtedly had a beneficial effect on newspapers. One particularly positive influence is that it is much easier for readers to interact with a newspaper. They are invited to send their own accounts or photos and consequently newspaper websites can carry information about events as soon as they happen. Furthermore, readers can share their views with others on message boards and as a result there is a livelier debate than there was in the days of the traditional 'letters to the editor'. Finally, thanks to their websites, many newspapers have seen a significant increase in their readership, often from across the world.

To conclude, the Internet has had both a positive and a negative impact on newspapers, but, all in all, the change has definitely been for the better. To my mind, newspapers now feel less remote and elitist due to the constant presence of their readers online and this is surely a positive development.

Follow the link and reconstruct the text:

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Reconstructing a Letter (IELTS GT Task 1)

Read the letter than follow the link and reconstruct it:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Request to change room

I am writing to ask if I could please be given another room in college.

At present I share a room with another student who, unfortunately, is very noisy. This makes it very difficult for me to study. I have asked this student on many occasions to let me work quietly but there has been no change. He plays his radio or watches TV constantly and often invites friends round for parties which last till late in the night.

I have tried working in the library but it is not open at all the times I need. I am very worried about this situation, as I have to finish my final year project this term and have my final exams coming up at the end of the year.

I would be most grateful if you could please give me a room by myself or a room sharing with a student who is quiet.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your help.
Yours faithfully

Jan Hutt